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Three cadets from the Academy of Galactic Exploration become lost in space when an accident occurs on a hyperjump. They encounter the Triiad whose goal is to conquer any race they meet. With the help of another alien, Kulai, they must find a way to survive and warn Earth without leading the Triiad back to their own region of the galaxy.

Season One: 13 episodes
1103Mar 01/96First Contact
2101Mar 02/96The Star Ranger
3102Mar 09/96Icebound
4106Mar 16/96Battle at Vekara
5104Mar 23/96Cloudholm
6105Mar 30/96A Walk in the Garden
7110Apr 06/96Into the Dark So Deep
8109Apr 13/96Gone to Meet the Maker
10107unairedHole in the Sky
11111unairedNew Alliances</td>
12112unairedThe Challenge: Part One
13113unairedThe Challenge: Part Two
Genre: action, adventure, science fiction
Show Type: live action, color
Runtime Format: half hour
Current Status: ended
Number of Seasons: 1
Number of Episodes: 13
Broadcast Run: 1996
Starring: Marc Brandon Daniel
Glenn Herman
Heidi Lucas
Carrie Dobro
Ron Campbell
Developed By: Christy Marx
Created By: Ron Thornton
Broadcast Network: ABC
Production Company: Greengrass Productions
Country of Origin: United States
IMDb: Hypernauts
