Cast: Rowan Atkinson (Edmund Blackadder, butler to the Prince), Tony Robinson (Baldrick, a dogsbody), Hugh Laurie (The Prince Regent, their master), Helen Atkinson-Wood (Mrs. Miggins, a coffee shoppekeeper), Vincent Hanna (Vincent Hanna, his own great great great grandfather), Denis Lill (Sir Talbot Buxomly, a member of Parliament), Simon Osborne (Pitt the Younger, the Prime Minister), Geoff McGivern (Ivor Biggun, a candidate), Dominic Martelli (Pitt the even Younger, a tiny whig)
Written By: Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
Directed By: Mandie Fletcher
Ep: 14
Ink and Incapability
Cast: Rowan Atkinson (Edmund Blackadder, butler to the Prince), Tony Robinson (Baldrick, a dogsbody), Hugh Laurie (The Prince Regent, their master), Robbie Coltrane (Dr. Samuel Johnson, noted for his fat dictionary), Helen Atkinson-Wood (Mrs. Miggins, a coffee shoppekeeper), Lee Cornes (Shelley, romantic junkie poet), Steve Steen (Byron, romantic junkie poet), Jim Sweeney (Coleridge, romantic junkie poet)
Written By: Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
Directed By: Mandie Fletcher
Ep: 15
Nob and Nobility
Cast: Rowan Atkinson (Edmund Blackadder, butler to the Prince), Tony Robinson (Baldrick, a dogsbody), Hugh Laurie (The Prince Regent, their master), Helen Atkinson-Wood (Mrs. Miggins, a coffee shoppekeeper), Tim McInnerny (Lord Topper, fop), Nigel Planer (Lord Smedley, fop), Chris Barrie (Ambassador, a fearsome revolutionary)
Written By: Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
Directed By: Mandie Fletcher
Ep: 16
Sense and Senility
Cast: Rowan Atkinson (Edmund Blackadder, butler to the Prince), Tony Robinson (Baldrick, a dogsbody), Hugh Laurie (The Prince Regent, their master), Hugh Paddick (Keanrick, thespian), Kenneth Connor (Mossop, thespian), Helen Atkinson-Wood (Mrs. Miggins, a coffee shoppekeeper), Ben Elton (Anarchist)
Written By: Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
Directed By: Mandie Fletcher
Ep: 17
Amy and Amiability
Cast: Rowan Atkinson (Edmund Blackadder, butler to the Prince), Tony Robinson (Baldrick, a dogsbody), Hugh Laurie (The Prince Regent, their master), Helen Atkinson-Wood (Mrs. Miggins, a coffee shoppekeeper), Miranda Richardson (Amy Hardwood, the lusive Shadow), Warren Clarke (Mr. Hardwood, her father), Barbara Horne (Sally Cheapside, a young lady of doubtful virtue), Roger Avon (The Duke of Cheapside, her father)
Written By: Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
Directed By: Mandie Fletcher
Ep: 18
Duel and Duality
Cast: Rowan Atkinson (Edmund Blackadder, butler to the Prince), Tony Robinson (Baldrick, a dogsbody), Hugh Laurie (The Prince Regent, their master), Helen Atkinson-Wood (Mrs. Miggins, a coffee shoppekeeper), Stephen Fry (The Duke of Wellington, a famous soldier), Gertan Klauber (King George III, a mad monarch)
Written By: Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
Directed By: Mandie Fletcher
Blackadder: The Cavalier Years
Cast: Rowan Atkinson (Sir Edmund Blackadder), Tony Robinson (Baldrick), Stephen Fry (King Charles I), Warren Clarke (Oliver Cromwell), Harry Enfield (Narrator)
Written By: Richard Curtis & Ben Elton
Directed By: Richard Boden
Note: Sketch made for Britain's biennial charity telethon in March, Comic Relief's Red Nose Day
Blackadder's Christmas Carol
Starring: Rowan Atkinson (Ebenezer Blackadder), Tony Robinson (Baldrick)
With: Stephen Fry (Lord), Hugh Laurie (Prince George), Miranda Richardson (Queen), Robbie Coltrane (Spirit of Christmas), Jim Broadbent (Prince Albert), Miriam Margolyes (Queen Victoria)
Cast: Rowan Atkinson (Blackadders), Tony Robinson (Baldricks), Miranda Richardson (Queens Elizabeth I / Aspyxia XIX), Stephen Fry (Lords Melchett / Frondo), Hugh Laurie (Princes Regent / Pigmot), Robbie Coltrane (Spirit of Christmas), Miriam Margolyes (Queen Victoria), Jim Broadbent (Prince Albert), Patsy Byrne (Nursie / Bernard), Denis Lill (Beadle), Pauline Melville (Mrs. Scratchit), Philip Pope (Lord Nelson), Nicola Bryant (Millicent), Ramsay Gilderdale (Ralph), David Barber (Enormous Orphan), Erkan Mustafa (Enormous Orphan), David Nunn (Enormous Orphan)