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Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda
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Season One
Kevin Sorbo ... Captain Dylan Hunt
Lisa Ryder ... Beka Valentine
Keith Hamilton Cobb ... Tyr Anasazi
Laura Bertram ... Trance Gemini
Brent Stait ... Rev Bem
Gordon Michael Woolvett ... Seamus Zelazny Harper
Lexa Doig ... Andromeda Ascendant
  • Ep: 1
  • Under the Night
  • If the Commonwealth's High Guard
    had a weakness, it was this:
    Its officers were too competent,
    too caring and too brave.

    Yin-Man Wei
    The Rise and Fall of the Systems Commonwealth
    CY 11942
  • Guest Starring: Steve Bacic (Gaheris Rhade), John Tench (Gerentex)
  • Co-Starring: Emy Aneka (Thompson), Elizabeth Thai (Dawn), M. Yvonne Myers (Courier Pilot), Gavin Bohr (Gunnery Sergeant), Johnny Mah (Stam), Shawn Stewart (Brexos), Lori Stewart (Varastaya)
  • Written By: Robert Hewitt Wolfe
  • Directed By: Allan Kroeker
  • Ep: 2
  • An Affirming Flame
  • Some say the Commonwealth would have
    fallen even without Nietzschean treachery.
    They underestimate both the Commonwealth
    and the Nietzscheans.

    Yin-Man Wei
    The Rise and Fall of the Systems Commonwealth
    CY 11942
  • Guest Starring: John Tench (Gerentex), Steve Bacic (Gaheris Rhade)
  • Co-Starring: Dario De Iaco (Brexos), Lori Stewart (Varastaya), Daryl Quon (Glasten), Ernest Jackson (Mercenary), Trish Shill (Android #1), Deb Mactumpag (Android #2)
  • Written By: Robert Hewitt Wolfe
  • Directed By: Brenton Spencer
  • Ep: 3
  • To Loose the Fateful Lightning
  • "Those who fail to learn history
    are doomed to repeat it;
    those who fail to learn history correctly--
    why they are simply doomed."

    "The Illusion of Historical Fact"
    -- CY 4971
  • Guest Starring: Chris Lovick (Hayek), Amber Rothwell (Nassan), Richard de Klerk (Mapes)
  • Written By: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer
  • Directed By: Brenton Spencer
  • Ep: 4
  • D Minus Zero
  • "Here's everything I know
    about war: Somebody wins,
    somebody loses, and
    nothing is ever the same again."

    Admiral Constanza Stark,
    C.Y. 9784
  • Written By: Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz
  • Directed By: Allan Eastman
  • Ep: 5
  • Double Helix
  • Machiavelli's ideas are
    basically sound ones for the
    nietzschean people.

    he was an optimist.

    Cerebus Khmer
    "Aphorisms" - C.Y. 8969
  • Guest Starring: Paul Johansson (Guderian), Dylan Bierk (Freya), Marion Eisman (Olma), Steve Bacic (Gaheris Rhade)
  • Co-Starring: Stuart O'Connell (Dimitri), Elizabeth Thai (Than Pilot)
  • Written By: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer
  • Directed By: Michael Rohl
  • Ep: 6
  • Angel Dark, Demon Bright
  • The Heavens burned, the stars
    cried out
    And under the ashes of infinity,
    Hope, scarred and bleeding,
    breathed it's last.

    Ulatempa Poetess
    "Elegy for the Commonwealth"
    CY 9823
  • Guest Starring: Jo Bates (Gar)
  • Written By: Robert Hewitt Wolfe
  • Directed By: Allan Eastman
  • Ep: 7
  • The Ties That Blind
  • Many say living in the Way is difficult.
    Is sleeping difficult?
    Is waking?

    Serentity Vikram Singh Khalsa
    Collected Works,
    301 AFC
  • Guest Starring: Cameron Daddo (Rafe Valentine), Brian George (His Serenity)
  • Co-Starring: Pablo Coffey (Wayist Monk), Charles Payne (Danyluk), Marco Soriano (Restorian)
  • Story By: Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz
  • Teleplay By: Ethlie Ann Vare
  • Directed By: David Warry-Smith
  • Ep: 8
  • The Banks of the Lethe
  • We say atoms are bound by
    Weak Attractors.

    Why not admit the Truth:
    The universe is held together by Love.

    Michio Von Kerr,
    Wayist physicist,
    CY 9942
  • Guest Starring: Sam Sorbo (Sara Riley), Alex Diakun (Hohne), Eli Gabay (Captain Khalid)
  • Co-Starring: Leanne Adachi (Marquez), Rik Kiviaho (Perseid #1), Elizabeth Thai (Twilight)
  • Written By: Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz
  • Directed By: David Winning
  • Ep: 9
  • A Rose in the Ashes
  • The truest measure of a society is
    how it treats its elderly, its pets,
    and its prisoners.

    Keeper of the Way Vision of Faith VII
    C.Y. 9891
  • Guest Starring: Claudette Mink (Kae-Lee), Kimberley Warnat (Jessa), Bill Croft (Warden)
  • Co-Starring: John Juliani (Councilor Min), Janyse Jaud (Secretary), Ron Robinson (Xar), Randy Lee (Big Blue Alien)
  • Written By: Ethlie Ann Vare
  • Directed By: David Warry-Smith
  • Ep: 10
  • All Great Neptune's Ocean
  • "Democracy may be only a few
    steps removed from Anarchy,
    but at least it's not as loud."

    Crowned in Starlight
    Than Hegemon, CY 9843
  • Guest Starring: Mikéla J. Mikael (Colonel Yau), Malcolm Stewart (Chancellor Chandos)
  • Co-Starring: Allan Morgan (Sebastian Lee)
  • Written By: Walter Jon Williams
  • Directed By: Allan Harmon
  • Ep: 11
  • The Pearls That Were His Eyes
  • Wealth is too Precious
    to be entrusted
    to the Rich.

    Anonymous Kalderan Proverb,
    circa CY 500
  • Guest Starring: Ty Olsson (Mick), Peter Kelamis (Grask), John De Lancie (Uncle Sid)
  • Co-Starring: Ken Kerzinger (Willie)
  • Written By: Ethlie Ann Vare
  • Directed By: David Winning
  • Ep: 12
  • The Mathematics of Tears
  • "If hope is the engine of the soul,
    Then duty is the navigator...
    And love is the fuel."

    High Guard Supreme Commander
    Sani nax Rifati
    "Persuations and Exhortations"
    C.Y. 4279
  • Guest Starring: Monika Schnarre (Lieutenant Jill Pearce), Douglas O'Keeffe (Captain Warrick), Nathaniel Deveaux (Dutch)
  • Co-Starring: Thomas Milburn, Jr. (Ensign), Lee Erdman (Magellanic Avatar), Janyse Jaud (Magellanic Avatar)
  • Story By: Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz
  • Teleplay By: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer
  • Directed By: T.J. Scott
  • Ep: 13
  • Music of a Distant Drum
  • KLUDGE (Klooj) - n. Disparaging
    term for genetically unmodified
    human being. See also "über"

    A Concise Dictionary of Slang
    and Euphemism
    C.Y. 9021
  • Guest Starring: Linnea Sharples (Yvaine), Noel Fisher (Breyon), Nels Lennarson (Arjun)
  • Co-Starring: Alex Zahara (Hanno)
  • Written By: Robert Hewitt Wolfe
  • Directed By: Allan Kroeker
  • Ep: 14
  • Harper 2.0
  • "One head cannot
    contain all Wisdom."

    The Olduvai Cycle
    Systems University Archives,
    C.Y. 8550
  • Guest Starring: Ralf Moeller (Jeger)
  • Co-Starring: Robert Saunders (Enigma), Michael Desabrais (Perseid)
  • Written By: John Whelpley
  • Directed By: Richard Flower
  • Ep: 15
  • Forced Perspective
  • Humans say the Road to
    Hell is paved with
    good intentions.

    Why? Do they think there's a
    shortage of bad ones?

    Karm'Luk P'an Ku,
    "The Joy of Lucidity"
    C.Y. 8633
  • Guest Starring: Mackenzie Gray (Venetri), Steve Bacic (Gaheris Rhade), Kim Hawthorne (Lawyer), Chapelle Jaffe (Admiral Constanza Stark), Alex Green (Ferrin)
  • Co-Starring: James Ralph (Commando)
  • Written By: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer
  • Directed By: George Mendeluk
  • Ep: 16
  • The Sum of It's Parts
  • "Between birth and death lies desire,
    Desire for life, for love,
    for everything good.
    And this is the source
    of all suffering."

    Outcast Consensus 17,
    C.Y. 10942
  • Guest Starring: Kevin Durand (VX), Matt Smith (HG)
  • Story By: Celeste Chan Wolf
  • Teleplay By: Steven Barnes
  • Directed By: David Winning
  • Ep: 17
  • Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way
  • WARNING: Do Not Operate Heavy
    Machinery or Navigate The Slipstream
    While Under the Influence
    Of This Beverage.

    Sparky - Cola (Label),
    291 AFC
  • Guest Starring: John Tench (Gerentex)
  • Co-Starring: Rachel Hayward (Andulasia), Peter Kalamis (Casino Thug #1), John De Santis (Stalin Kuleshov)
  • Written By: Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz
  • Directed By: David Warry-Smith
  • Ep: 18
  • The Devil Take the Hindmost
  • "Only those born guilty Recognize
    Innocence for what it Is:
    The rarest thing in the Universe,
    And the most Precious."

    THE ANOINTED, The Finder of The Way
    C.Y. 9799
  • Guest Starring: Mark Holden (Thaddeus Blake)
  • Co-Starring: Moya O'Connell (Tiama), Darren Klimek (Arun), Garfield Wilson (Szabos)
  • Written By: Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz
  • Directed By: Allan Eastman
  • Ep: 19
  • The Honey Offering
  • "The enemy of my enemy
    is still my enemy."

    Drago Museveni
    C.Y. 8427
  • Guest Starring: Kimberly Huie (Elsbett), Adrian Hughes (Fleet Marshall Cuchulain Nez Pierce)
  • Co-Starring: Charles Zuckerman (Perseid Dockmaster), Kenan Raven (Nietzschean Spy)
  • Written By: Matt Kiene & Joe Reinkemeyer
  • Directed By: Brad Turner
  • Ep: 20
  • Star-Crossed
  • "You ask why we give our Ships'
    Computers normal Emotions?
    Do you really want a Warship
    Incapable of Loyalty?
    Or of Love?"

    The Unshattered Allegiance,
    High Guard Frigate
    Artificial Intelligence Rights Activist,
    C.Y. 7309
  • Guest Starring: Michael Shanks (Gabriel)
  • Co-Starring: Jennie Hogan (Shura), Jason Diablo (Pogue)
  • Written By: Ethlie Ann Vare
  • Directed By: David Warry-Smith
  • Ep: 21
  • It Makes a Lovely Light
  • "Come bitter Rain,
    And wash from my Heart
    That saddest of all Words:

    Ulatempa Poetess, "Song of My Exile"
    C.Y. 9825
  • Written By: Ethlie Ann Vare
  • Directed By: Michael Robison
  • Ep: 22
  • It's Hour Come 'Round At Last (part 1)
  • "Screams of a billion murdered Stars
    Give lie to the night's Peace,
    While we cling in desperation to the Few
    Fragile spinning stones we call Worlds"

    Wayfinder First Order Hasturi
    aka "The Mad Perseid"
    217 AFC
  • Guest Starring: Gerard Plunkett (Bloodmist)
  • Written By: Robert Hewitt Wolfe
  • Directed By: Allan Eastman
